The Agricultural Economics Society's academic journal published three times a year.
The Journal of Agricultural Economics is a leading international professional journal, founded in 1928, providing a forum for research in agricultural economics and related disciplines, such as statistics, marketing, business management, politics, history and sociology, and their application to issues in the agricultural, food, and related industries; rural communities and development, and the environment. It is consistently highly ranked in the Agricultural Economics & Policy category of ISI.
The JAE carries articles on developments in research and methods of analysis as well as the application of existing methods and techniques to new problems and situations.
Further details about the Journal can be found at the Wiley Online Library and on the Journal Homepage

The JAE carries articles on developments in research and methods of analysis as well as the application of existing methods and techniques to new problems and situations.
Further details about the Journal can be found at the Wiley Online Library and on the Journal Homepage